
Who knows? What I DO know is that I’m not doing PR for the Democratic Party, so if you want to read nothing but glowing sentiments about Biden and co then feel free to scroll on because you won’t see them from me.

9/11 -> A horrible tragedy with far-reaching consequences.

A virus that kills a 9/11's worth of people a day -> Something we have totally under control, everything’s fine, go lick your neighbor and get back to work.

This. Is. What. They. Want.

Maybe if she quit painting herself up as light-skinned black woman she wouldn’t have this problem...

Of course she wants people to pay for her work. I know on Jez snarks got to snark but y’all have some odd things to be snarky about. 

I thoroughly enjoyed Grace Coddington’s autobiography, so I’m bitterly disappointed that I will have to wait until September to read his. Come on, ALT, throw us a quarantine bone, here!

Whatever André. I’m sure he sat quietly as she belittled, used and discarded many others. By all accounts, he’s just as much of a mean girl as she is but now that he’s been discarded he wants to complain? He wasted a lot of years and didn’t take advantage of many opportunities available to him. Now that he’s

Wrote Kinja about this, as it’s been an issue for a long time. If you’re using Firefox, it just doesn’t work well with these sites, I was told.

Can you back up to “kimono room?”

You can almost visibly see him fighting back the urge to drop about 10 f-bombs. lol  Like, you can practically hear them between the words.  I’ve heard his brother speak candidly; you better believe his language is blue as a sailor’s.


I read about a woman who recently washed her vegetables after bringing them home (sensible!) in a solution of water (good) vinegar (add some salt and you’re on your way to a brine) and 10% bleach(?!!!!) She ended up in the hospital with breathing problems. And more people then I’m comfortable with that did not know

If there is a higher power old man McConnell will pass away sooner than later and there aren’t a lot of other old rancid fucks to fill his shoes. I mean there are a lot of rancid old (and younger) GOP fucks but they are just not as smart or committed as the tortoise. 

The Trump administration wants to do away with Obama-era measures that protect LGBTQ patients from discrimination. Fucked up timing is an understatement.

Also just a word of advice, that weird “I support Bernie and now Trump” account that stalks my comments has gone of the rails completely now and even in just random articles I haven’t commented on is spamming graphic pictures of war crimes I’ve apparently denied having happened so be wary.

Evil Elmer Fudd, err, little Stevie Miller needs to ask who will he, and all the other republicans, get to do the jobs that white, right-leaning, MAGhats don’t want to do such as picking fruits and vegetables from the fields, cleaning their homes and caring for their children? And who will then impregnate, and then

Let’s pretend for a second that Trump was indeed being sarcastic as he claims (NOTE: He was not and if you believe he was, you are dumb. End of story) who in the hell thinks being sarcastic during a daily press briefing during a pandemic is a good idea?

I don’t mind her pantry at all, but the amount of decorative junk on her island is giving me hives. Why cover up all that excellent workspace? (I lament from my postage-stamp kitchen with zero islands)

I also appreciate that she seems to be the only Rich Media Person that is actually donating some of her own wealth to help people out through charity instead of participating in a benefit concert from her spare bedroom so us poors can open our empty pocketbooks.