Sounds like President Trump wants his girlfriend Fox News to engage in a little quid pro hoe.
Sounds like President Trump wants his girlfriend Fox News to engage in a little quid pro hoe.
This is a very good take.
It’s not so much about what the dress looked like, but the impact it had on the cultural zeitgeist of the time. It was a sensation that had everyone talking, and that’s what matters on the red carpet (much like Bjork’s swan dress and Gaga’s meat dress).
Wow this dress is stunning. J.Lo is usually hit or miss for me on the red carpet, but I have to keep in mind she is also the wearer of the most iconic dress of all time: the green plunging Versace.
100% this!
My heart dropped at his announcement. My mom suffered for 4 years w/ stage 4 breast/brain cancer and unfortunately succumbed this year. That’s why I will be prioritizing BRAC tests and early detection, something I wish she’d done before it was too late :(
My thoughts exactly. I really don’t like how these days, someone says “Kylie” and it’s assumed it’s a Jenner. NOT IN THIS HOUSE!
As evidenced by the army of bot-like social media accounts that yell at anyone who dare criticizes Elon Musk or Tesla
It was one of the worst apologies I’ve heard!
That would have been the perfect title for this piece.
That account is 2 days old and out of the greys already. Puzzling.
Yes, this was my first thought. A Q&A every quarter or so seems reasonable. But every damn week just reeks of narcissism.
Tbh it’s really easy to poke fun at him because his Jeep commercials are cringey and his music is mediocre (me being nice). But I do think actively detesting him is... an odd hill to die on.
This just in: Most Interesting Man is not so interesting!
Yes! Additionally, most of the Trump supporters I’ve met are upper-middle class (& racist), and I believe they’re actually the silent majority of his base that nobody likes to address. As such they would suffer under a recession the most, because they have volatile assets like a stock portfolio and retirement fund…
Because she probably wouldn’t offer cops free beverages during her bartending days. That means she hates America!
OK but can we talk about that heinous top she’s wearing? She really has worn some doozies over the years...
This is disturbing and made me want those 2 minutes back. Luckily, the comment section is fucking fire, so it all worked out.
When does the doxxing begin?
I’ll never listen to Rhythm is a Dancer the same way ever again :(