
People who brake on the highway.

This is for mouth breathers who can’t drive and only want to brag about beating something in a straight line because it requires no skill.”

Fine, you don’t care, although if you don’t care A) Why read the article and B) Why comment? For those of who like cars, technology, something different, and drag racing we do care, and we can’t wait to see it, read about, and, for some of us, drive it! You’re bored, go find something that interests you!

You must be the life of the party.

That’s a lot of words for not caring.

You’re off by one administration.

I care. So you’re wrong.

it is a Power Ranger. Bye I will see myself out

Fucking tool

or we could just treat everyone like grown ups, let them pay for own health care, and then it wont be yours or my business whether or not an individual chooses to smoke.

username suggests undercover cop.... beware ;p

Those are surprisingly fast.

320 hp (if true) is not fast enough?

Got any pictures of it on a flatbed, for realism?

I don’t need my ass to tell me that my current car, which has an I6, is pretty damn near perfectly balanced, and handles much better than the previous 3 cars I had that all had V6's and tons of understeer.

It should be called an Aventa now since the door is gone.

Unless he died in it, who cares

Of all the possible comments to make you went with the most worthless one possible.