
liberals mouths foaming nationwide, Love it.

Edison park *

damn she is ugggggly.

shes not really that hot

who cares........get over it. I check the Root.com everyday and constantly read racist shit spewed about white people non stop. so tough shit.

fuck that bitch, let her rot when she needs a cops help

do liberals allow you to leave the plantation when you write for the root? Or do you have a typewriter right on the liberal owned plantation? do you have to call your liberal owners mastah?

how is this injustice. guy is high on PCP with a knife. He deserved to dies. fuck your “injustice” bullshit too.

yes even more reason for whites and hispanics to hate black people.

Free Van Dyke, he did a noble service getting that animal off the streets. Black people should be applauding him

its strange how North Africans are white while the rest of Africa is black. How did that happen?

so people are just pretty much saying Kavanaugh is a rapist even though nothing has been proven.

these people who attack and try to intimidate politicians are scumbags. They dont know you, and they dont know what the fuck your all about.

I hope Kavanaugh gets the nom into the supreme court just to laugh at how much mouth foam is generated by dick head liberals.

kavanaugh is not accused of rape so how is Trump a rape apologist?

Nazis exterminated jewish people. How are republicans Nazi’s?

for every negative thing about the right, and there is alot of negative, dont ignore the fact that the far left is equally if not more disgusting, shitty and mostly terrible people who use minorities and illegal immigrants as propaganda to achieve terrible things

the left is equally shitty.

of course a black man doesn’t get a job and blames it on racism. That sounds about black.

so the Atlantic is a great place now to read about how Racist Donald Trump is and how terrible all white people. Ya Ill be racing to get that subscription.