Hookadoo Monkeyfudge

Taxes are a number one expense? A quick look at my 2016 taxes local/state/federal shows an effective tax rate of 11% on $151K in gross income. I paid 23% of my income toward housing. While I am but one data point, I am willing to bet the other 65% of my income that you are full of shit.

Using utilizing instead of using using is using the English language poorly.

She can go to hell. She’s as big a Sith Lord as the rest of them.

I am so pissed about Sanders citing Shelby Foote. I doubt that she has ever sat down with Foote’s massive history of the Civil War, but make no doubt about it: He said slavery and the desire to maintain it as part of the economy of the South was the CAUSE of the war. How do I know? He said to me over coffee when I was

Answer: It’s the Yankees.

He was a beast at UCONN. I went to a UCONN-UMASS game and he personally clobbered UMASS, who despite being UMASS*, weren’t all that bad.

Tree for forest, my friend. Tree for forest.

You worry about hypocrisy. Don’t. It is the most false standard of all false standards. The only way to be perfectly correct in every action you do is to do absolutely nothing ever in your life. I personally relish being called a hypocrite. It may be the degree in philosophy (All hail the tu quoque fallacy!), but it

His name in Serbo-Croatian loosely translates to “Son of White.” There’s something to this fact and I want Alex Jones on it right fucking now (after this promo for dick cream).

+1 racial epithet meant to build team unity.

Yeah, in the pen, but not so much at the local county lock up.

The guy on the left of that line up is realizing, at the moment the shutter snapped, that he was going to jail in a place where most of the people in jail are not going to be down with his program.

Never gets old. +1

This. Just look at the head/fog light signal stalk switch on any ‘07-17 Wrangler. When it inevitably starts flickering like it was made by Lucas in 1966, you can get the Mopar part, which has the same flaw, for the GDP of Ghana, or buy the aftermarket part from Quadratec that doesn’t have the flaw for the change under

The advent of DNA testing for all is really lifting the scales off the eyes when it comes to native heritage. Both sides of my family claimed native heritage (Chickasaw on my mother and Cherokee on my father). DNA tests: NOPE. I really enjoyed the shouting match at Thanksgiving last year after those tests came back.

The problem with the Charlton location for Treehouse is that the MassPike just passes through Charlton. So much backtracking to get to it. And, dude, Monson isn’t in the Berkshires, even. Though, I live in Amherst (no, I am not a communist) and its a suck drive for me to. It is actually more pleasant to go to the

Farmer’s Fresh from Fort Hill in Easthampton is better. I said. I meant it. And I hope it makes you mad.


Correct me if I am wrong, but they weren’t disbanded so much as those who wished to remain religious knights (for lack of a better term) were absorbed into other similar orders. And didn’t a like of the Knights Templar get pensions and basically were retired to the land?

Except black folks were dragged in chains to Mississippi.