
Watch me whip, watch me meme

That’s ridiculous, but why would you want to go listen to Greg Hardy speak anyway?

Judging by the bio, Hardy has animosity toward anything with a period.

Goodnight room

Apologies for the screenshot, but this needed to be shared.

Yet the League never fined Tim Tebow for wearing eye black while playing quarterback in the NFL. Surely Heyward’s gesture is less of a mockery to the sport than Tebow’s was at trying to play as a quarterback.

“Cristiano , yr wyf am ymddiheuro am ddatganiadau fy asiant . Y gwir yw wyf yn eich casáu gyda’r gwres ffaglu o haf Toledo . Gyda’r tân niwclear y craidd yr Haul Nid yn wirioneddol dim gair yn Saesneg, Sbaeneg , Catalaneg , Basgeg neu sydd wirioneddol yn cipio lefel fy casineb ohonoch. Fy asiant camgyfleu hynny , ac

“Cristiano, I want to apologize for my agent’s statements. The truth is I hate you with the blazing heat of a Toledo summer. With the nuclear fire of the core of the Sun. There is truly no word in English, Spanish, Catalan, or Basque that truly captures the level of my hatred of you. My agent misrepresented that, and

Oh God, I’m watching a rape apologist and a Philly fan argue with each other. This is what hell is like.

I can’t believe how much the Flyers fans booed that dimwit from up north considering how high the tide of popularity was at the time. I also can’t believe how quickly and completely everything fell apart after this. But enough about Mike Richards.

This is the best thing Flyers fans have ever done since...

if as Toronto sports fans we haven’t been done in by similar bullshit.

I want to share this on Facebook and unfriend everyone that says anything bad about it. The Bautista Bat Flip is way better than any political litmus test. If you hate this, I probably hate you.

Don’t worry about the dog and cat living thing, I know a guy

That's bullshit. I don't know how you can make a predicition about the Super Bowl and not include the Patriots. The Patriots are the team to beat. Tom Brady is playing out of his mind. It's almost like watching Bird in the 80s: an elite player in his prime. Dion Lewis is the Danny Ainge of the Patriots, someone who

“I wonder if that is the same Mrsa I lost my burgeonity to.”

First they came for the Expos, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not from Montreal.

I don’t care how long it takes them to post stuff. I don’t come here for breaking news. I come here to see what the witty commenters have to add to the story. Present company excluded.