
hillary loves rapists and so do you you problematic fcuk

what ab0ut the whole rape thing with BIll and her trashing his victims? shillary is going down bro

HIllary supports rape of women and has for years

remember when she trashed her husband’s victims? I do.

I heard Rousey is going to start fighting transwomen next, that is going to be fucking awesome. them bitches know how to throwdown

that’s really bullshit and sexist and problematic for transwomen who can’t have babies. i bet rousey would get her ass kicked in by a transwoman.

dont fucking move there if you don’t like the culture you fucking retard.

Wow, this is really a golden age of tv, eh? (:<~~~~~ really hard hitting, edgy stuff here. a black person and a white person.

women are just more superficial is all that means. duh.

I get that a lot, but thank you. Jenner is a font of philosophical inquiry.

rofl Caitlyn Jenner, I can’t wait til future humans study this era. Do the Olympics still record her/his goldmedals under Bruce or have they changed the men’s winner’s name to Caitlyn. And if a female can win a gold medal in the men’s decathlon, isn’t it kind of condescending to hold a female event because clearly

To be fair, have you ever seen black dudes jump. It looks like the NBA tryouts at rush hours. They got mad hops.

the father seems to be taking it better than you

why would you say “Virginia Tech victim”? that is a libelous headline. And the father apparently respects police and understands that they are humans doing work that is more strenuous than regurgitating NYT articles.

your hair is the same color as donald trump’s face - shit-blood red. prbly gunna wunna do sumpin bout dat.

Actually Trump’s platform addresses things like the failure of the auto industry which you mentioned. While you are worrying about the water, he is going back to the source like mofucking poland springs beeyotch.

lol oprah’s staff is all white. it looks like a reverse slave plantation photo.

Your hair is the same ugly color as Donald Trump’s skin. What color make up does he use - ugly red hair red?

why do think it is that rape rates rise when more brown people are around?

Black dancers. so hot right now. black dancers.