“Do you have any examples of feminists arguing that men should be drafted and women shouldn’t? No, no you do not.”
“Do you have any examples of feminists arguing that men should be drafted and women shouldn’t? No, no you do not.”
“we”? do you realize people in power are discussing equality in the military right now, heedless of your wishes?
she said “feminist”, right? Not someone who supports some ideas that feminists do. You are changing the question. I think you are just obtuse.
because this is the real world and the ability to wage war is necessary to maintaining a democracy.
compulsory military service in times of war is not a job, it is a duty - something deeper and more meaningful than a job. can you make that distinction?
you realize the actual fight is with those who wage war on americans, right?
you think? there must be some way of verifying that statement before typing it. don’t just spout off your opinion of what may or may not be historical fact. you are polluting the discussion with statements like that.
at least i believe in laws you hippy. I fought with Godwin in ‘nam. saw him die next to me. i cut off his ear an brought it back to his pleasure women to prove he was dead. shacked up with her for a month of r’n’r. if the mp’s hadn’t dragged me back to the frontline we might’ve had something nice, I might still be in…
you are a moron
moving the goalposts toots
those cong women were impressive, dance across a minefield like a prima ballerina dodging sniper fire, then disappear down a tunnel like a goddamn prairie dog. if i’da caught one i might still be over there...
well maybe if theyd had picked up an m16 instead of playing mommy with some bandaids things would have gone down differently in the mekong delta...
oh you meenz the wimminz n’ nurzez and oxzilary groopz and im dizmizzing it zzzzzzzzzzz
how could they not? but you asked me to name a feminist who didnt, which is by definition, impossible and represents the aforemnetioned circularity of reason. do you follow? because it absolutely makes sense.
it’s funny when you add the “z” to guns and bombs. those were the things that killed 55,000 servicemen, not some candy or kids toy or something. they are serious, scary things. show some respect.
is it possible that a feminist could advocate for a male-only draft and still be a feminist i.e. someone who believes in equality amongst the sexes? it seems impossible. so obviously I couldn’t name one. it’s a like a witches spell.
spoken like someone who wouldn’t last 5 secs in the bug infested jungles 50 clicks outside of hanoi. couldn’t tell the mosquitos from the bullets buzzing by my ears. I had a necklace of ears that I traded for some bug spray in ‘68. turned out it was mace - and that is one of the funny stories. can’t confuse the cong…
so there is nobility in allowing the holocaust to go on unfettered, if we all so choose?
and respond to the circularity of your argument
so they couldnt even conceive of it because of the patriarchy, right? thats obviously the next step right?