Hood Will Hunting

“Allow me to prove that I was not a shady manager taking advantage of your financial naïveté by taking advantage of your financial success through misusing the legal system against you! Ah-HA! Didn’t see that one coming, didja, kids?!””

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Should have used the P/E song “Burn Hollywood Burn” instead.

lol you think other people live in the middle east besides american journalists

It is very very unlikely that Dr. Luke has the power to cancel the contract Sony has with Kesha.

Follow your heart, buddy.

A better question is, “You just found out your true love has been fucking a goat every three months. Are they still your true love?”

reduces women to our reproductive organs in a way that never happens to men

Kendrick reminds me of a young Spike Lee. Rap music has always been heavily influenced by jazz music with Eric B. & Rakim, Gang Starr as well as a bunch of other artists but Kendrick uses jazz as another voice/character in his music. Similar to how a lot of scenes in Spike Lee movies (especially his older films) use

Yeah I’m going to go ahead and object. Pretty sure they didn’t feed folks in the camps Subway, or pay them $100.

Seriously. As a Packer fan, I’m intimately familiar with what a brilliant QB being failed by the rest of his team looks like, and it looks like this. At least, it does to anyone who wasn’t dying to slag Cam Newton.

it’s right there in the headline, they lost, actually.

IDK about this particular little girl, but having been a Black girl - I always thought White folks were overly obsessed with their pets. Dog as man’s best friend is not accepted across all cultures. Animals are nice and all, but hardly interesting as fictional characters. Additionally, it must be irritating as fuck to

Calm down there, Satan.

it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.

All the happy people.