Hood Will Hunting

“but it was theft.”

her and Nikki Giovanni, all day

ah, yes...the old school/new school dividing line before the hip-hop/RnB division.

ooh...can black people play and be a Marvin Gaye or Al Green household?

i’m putting my money on, Bill. Now what are the odds we see an actual outcome to any of this?

But will they have trouble finding jobs?

i agree with the “respect women” or actually just has a person who has a general empathy and compass for humans, including children, the elderly, etc.

months i’ve read these comments and this is the first comment I actually nodded my head in silent agreement, like “amen”.

20 years is a long time (and short time, relative i guess). we’ll see, won’t we.

ok. but it’s not really about you. it’s about them. they are the ones that have to struggle and overcome it. as far as governments...again, that’s what oppressive governments do. Numerous opinions on slavery and civil rights ending as calculated moves rather than the actual human rights of the oppressed...it’s where

you used the word suffering, i used struggle. overcoming is beautiful. care to share why your so bitter about the whole situation?

my culture and peoples entire american history is full of oppression and I find the strength and perseverance quite beautiful. you may be soft and privileged which i don't find that interesting or beautiful.

i know many saudis they disagree with you

just 10 years ago, if you would have asked me if myself and my daughter would see a black president (and an awesome one at that) i would have been skeptical. So who knows...could be right around the corner and if not...moving in the right direction, beautiful struggle and all.

as a man who dates a Saudi woman, they’re moving forward in the classiest sense, all things considered. It’s refreshing to see these changes take place with the awareness that is demonstrated in comments from some of the women candidates. One was along the lines of the point is not to win...but to participate and keep

more opportunity for black property owners and a black air bnb platform. assuming that blacks are not just as discriminatory...assuming.

meh...perhaps...i was pleased that your opinion turned out to be a minority one.

i think it’s a depiction of the themes in the play Lysis’ with Chicago as a setting and a modern reference point. i don’t know chi-town...we can all see poverty and violence in our own states. i saw new orleans and DC when they were murder capitals...i’m just not sure if chicago is all that special of a case to the

also, you know what would be interesting...is to see what the people of Iraq have to say with Chicago niggas using the term Chi-raq. are they like, it ain’t even a real representation...they don’t even speak arabic, it’s not even a real war...

i think we now have to go to the original play which does a couple of things. it begins with the strike to end a war but as wikipedia states: “The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society.” which of course it follows from the elder men marching into the armory, to the