Dearest Porsche,
Dearest Porsche,
Yeah, I may be in the minority, but I start by thinking well of Prius drivers, as I do anyone who buys a vehicle that’s well-designed to do the thing it spends most of its time doing. I didn’t get that listing.
So Prius bad if driving slow, and Prius bad if driving fast?
I still blame DRL drivers on the age of digital dashboards. Old days were if you left your lights off at night, your dash would be darker than AMC theatre.
But those 10 inches of screen light up just fine without headlights on.
Prius counterpoint: I just did a ~3400 mile roadtrip in my 2017. Much of it was done at ~80mph through places like Texas.
For me, it’s a 1969 Dodge Charger.
ND. It might be worth that if it was an early 1990s one that looked prettier with the 3.2L V6.
If I were to buy the wagon, steelies with dog dish covers and white wall tires would be the first things I ordered for it. Mags on old cars have never looked good to me.
It’ll still be safer than a instagram-watching soccer mom in a Suburban — at least you’ll hear this Mustang coming, and it’ll really only make it about 100 yards before wiping out.
Everything... every single thing they did to it has made it worse. The wheels, the tires, the grille, the roof rack, the headlights, the bull bar... everything! It’s rare that I can’t find a single modification that I like on a vehicle.
Shocking that people aren’t wild about $60k (at 7% interest!) cars with limited, often-broken charging infrastructure and insane repair and maintenance costs.
Id have to agree that recommending a Challenger is bad car advice not matter what kind of driver you are
Many people put their handicap tag on their dashboard or in their glove compartment unless they’re parking in a handicapped spot and leaving for a while. I know I don’t like giant tags hanging from my mirror all the time. Gets in the way.
Wow, Ive never seen it from that angle. That is stupid looking
This is not a W123. It’s got a broken A/C and 300K mile paint. Easy pass.
I wouldn’t pay that much for a low-miles 190D. They are slow crap. And I *like* slow cars. This is *insanely* overpriced.
I doubt my old Evo ever came close to 30 either, even when it had the six speed. I generally got about 12 - 14 combined.