
I'm pretty sure you could start a sentence with "Justice Alito was a real dick to-" and finish the sentence with an infinite number of people/places or things.

Whatever. Alito can't even handle Ginsburg.

Nobody puts Ginsburg in the locker!

Just cast to play young Stalin in an upcoming movie...

Sorry, but there is no way on earth that Gaston knows what a clitoris is, let alone where it's located. Plus, he wants to get married tomorrow and have a million kids, so I bet he whines about using a condom on top of everything.

You shouldn't. She's the brunette GOOP but I don't think she will be winning any Oscars. Entirely irrelevant.

Ugh, so true. I had a great body up until 27 or 28 and all I remember obsessing over was that teeny pouch in my stomach that was likely, you know, organs. I would love to punch young me in the shoulder and tell me to enjoy it rather than spend my time finding things to hate about myself.

Can someone tell me why I am supposed to care about Maggie Gyllenhaal? I just don't get the love.

If the Secret Service doesn't have to take an anti-prostitution vow I don't see how we could force NGOs to.

Traveled by plane and bus to a small college in rural Minnesota and then had sex on a druid altar.

"I pretended I gave a shit about competitive cycling for like two hours once (Waste of time, he sucked in bed)."

Yeah, that's what makes me so NUTS. It's educated, wealthy Chinese who should know better - it's not like the rural, uneducated poor can afford it, and being uneducated and poor, at least they'd have some excuse. There is no excuse for theses people. They need to be called out and shamed.

Now playing

Sweet. This girl broke my heart though <3

I want to go on a photo safari so bad. Elephants! Lions! Giraffes! All doing their animal things! Rent like a super badass camera with all the bells and whistles.

You just don't get it. My point was that of course it doesn't become inherently less reprehensible because people like you choose to minimize it by treating both the victim and her victimizers as a group of players on a stage. It's not enough to declare "the rape" a tragedy while you declare your empathy for the

I am so sorry that happened to you.

"Steubenville was awful, they were all kids and all their lives are ruined. I think empathy for the victim is important but having understanding that the tragedy destroys the lives of all those involved doesn't make the crime less reprehensible."

Actually, you know what scares me about comments like yours? This is an article about actual rape victims and how the level of trauma they experience is so high they can't articulate or even recall their rapes sometimes. And instead of empathizing with them, your immediate reaction is to think of how awful a false

Memo to the trolls - rapists aren't thrown in jail based on the word of their accuser alone. There has to be other evidence. In fact, the linked article discusses ways of obtaining that evidence. You really should read it, it's quite informative.

1st, people might have to acknowledge that rape exists. 2nd, that it exists in different forms. And 3rd, that all of those forms are bad.