
If my mother had decided to abort me, I wouldn't be here. It's as simple as that. I had this argument with a protestor in the middle of the street as I was escorting my traumatized 20 year old friend to the clinic (who, by the way, was not even remotely capable of having a child at that time). She shoved a fetus in a

But why should it be your choice to mourn someone else's decision about their own body? I do not believe one can be sympathetically pro-life (I realize you are pro-choice) in that you feel each abortion is a tragedy, because it truly is not your choice to make. Abortion has an impact on women, both physically and

Uh... I'm not sure what pro-choice means to you. You don't get to judge another person's decision as moral or immoral.

It's just there are so many factors and unique situations. For instance, bipolar women are at a severely high risk of having a manic or mixed episode, which can be extremely dangerous. This is compounded because they can't take their regular medication due to fetal safety. Obviously, bipolar women can and do have

I stand with you. I got pregnant during grad school (while using birth control), I knew I didn't want/couldn't care for a child, and had an abortion. No regret, no shame, and a hearty "Eff you!" to anybody who feels like they can be the judge of me, especially when they have never been in that situation. Screw their

It's not silly, because abortion pales in comparison to the myriad moral crimes we can easily come up with in response to your comment. Factory farming is a worse moral crime than abortion. Abortion is not even a blip on my radar.

Yeah, but why concern yourself with someone else's fetus?

Gotta say that I can relate to this situation. I was abandoned by my kid's father both emotionally and financially and had no idea what I was going to do. I considered an abortion but I ended up continuing with the pregnancy 1) because I had a choice and 2)I could: I had a job with good insurance. I can't imagine

Birth control fails. And, I'm sorry, but a human being should be able to have sex without "consequences" - its not a punishable act. Ridiculous.

I can see you're trying to be kinda respectful in your replies here, and it's great that you believe abortion should be kept legal, but honestly, what was the purpose of this comment? Nobody cares what you believe is moral when it comes to choices over their own bodies. And it's pretty directly insulting to women on

You are more than welcome to choose not to have an abortion based on your own personal feelings regarding morality but when it comes to other women, it's not up to you to judge the morality of their choices.

Actually, the greater human tragedy is watching human degenerates burn their unwanted children with cigarettes. Or watching a young woman with her entire life ahead of her have to give up every dream she ever had to parent a child conceived on accident. Or watching a woman who already has too many mouths to feed be

Fuck you! I got pregnant at 18 while on the pill. As soon as I found out I had the phone book out (this was the dark ages of 1984) and looking for a clinic. I was starting college in one month and there was no way in hell I was going to have a baby. In addition I knew from an early age that I didn't want children at

Honestly I agree with you. There is nothing sadder then witnessing the upbringing of a child who is nothing more than a burden for their parents or caretakers. I worked in daycare when I was younger and I saw many scenarios that broke my heart and left me feeling totally helpless towards them. I tried hard not to take

Really? When I think of the worst moral crime a person can commit, I'm usually thinking The Holocaust or Pol Pot or mass genocide and rape.

What if a woman finds out her child will be born with serious complications? What if she finds herself abandoned-financially or otherwise? What if her relationship suddenly ends? What if....? There are all kinds of reasons a woman may choose to abort a fetus where she may have made a conscious choice to get pregnant

Granted, this quote is about 3-day old blastocysts, but I think it's still relevant to the conversation:

"A three-day-old human embryo is a collection of 150 cells called a blastocyst. There are, for the sake of comparison, more than 100,000 cells in the brain of a fly. The human embryos that are destroyed in stem-cell

These Congressmen are pro-unborn, not pro-life. They only give a shit about you until the umbilical cord is cut, then it's screw you, burden on society.

I said this in a separate post, but since you're not in the grey I'll repeat it here :)

What? No! I thought Gladiator sandals were just an awful flash in the pan fad from like four years ago? Four years is not long enough for them to have become either retro OR ironic.

As for the rest? Fuck it. I'ma be barefoot, Hobbit style.