If MRAs died after having sex, they'd probably get laid for once.
If MRAs died after having sex, they'd probably get laid for once.
How does it sound awful? It doesn't sound awful at all. Aren't there women out there who enjoying smack their man's ass? It's all good when it's between consenting, empowered adults.
Well...hm. I'm a Christian, and I have some opinions on this, so for what it's worth, here's my two cents:
If these jackholes really wanted to call themselves Christians or pro-life, they would be striving for...
...anti-poverty programs and a warm roof over every head
...good schools available to everyone
And you don't access the internet either, clearly, since you are unaware of some basic pop culture stuff that has been hammered to death all over online...like, oh, here for example.
I don't care if they don't own TVs. I think that's fine. Do whatever you want with your time, whether it's watching TV, reading, gardening, fixing up old bobsleds for ironic winter sled-dog races in McCarren Park, whatever. I do, however, care, when this is that conversation always goes:
Them: So what do you do?
Me: I…
This is presumably right before she saw something nasty in the woodshed.
I'm not a big fan of Katy Perry for a big variety of reasons. But I must say that i have never been a drinker of the Russell Brand Kool-aid. The man is flawed- DEEPLY flawed and if any one of us Jezzies were to get involved with a man who had an identical history, we would tell her to run FAR away.
I find the opposite is true, I hear a lot of "I don't have/watch TV" and then in the same breath tell me that they smoked a j and watched season 4 of Dexter on Netflix last night.
It doesn't. I watch most TV online. But I cannot stand it when people brag about not owning a TV. There are people who don't own a TV, and then there are THOSE people. That especially unbearable breed of people who respond to questions like, "Hey, have you seen that new show..." with "Oh, no. I don't own a…
As someone who works in television, there is nothing more annoying than that person at a party or other function who, after finding out what I do, proceeds to say in that snooty voice, "Oh, I don't own a television." Well, whoop-de-fucking-doo. This type of person never follows up with, "But I watch all my stuff on…
She needs to make a phone call to Dita Von Teese.
Did we really have to bring Mr. Tumnus into this? There goes my childhood.
It's not really surprising, is it?
I mean, if Kanye and Kim are about anything, it's the "I." All about the "I."
God willing, someday I will rise to the maturity level of someone who thinks that the movie "White Chicks" proves that white people are the victims of racism too.