HondoyotaE38: A Japanese and German Collab...wait a minute

I have one of those! Not the no-top, obviously

Hold the fuck up: they still make the A8?!

Fuck, still gray. Can you ungray me?

Shh. It’s ok, there there. I’ll walk you back to us in Oppo with some hot chocolate and a warm blanket. Some of these people just don’t get it.

This would look so much nicer if it....well, didn’t look like that.

Kind of like how Ford’s doing that “ST-line” shit. Good God.

Nothing can make that abomination look even remotely nice.

Good old days.

Fuck you bitch you dont know shit and youre retarded as hell fuck you go fuck yourself BITCH

A-L-A-S-K-A......holy shit, you’re right.

My older sister learned on the Chrysler counterpart. Was a 2006 Chrysler Town and Country LX.

Because I’m that one young whippersnapper, a 2013 Honda CR-V. Worked for me.

All I can say is DAMN.

Is it bad that even though there was no sound, I still heard the song in my head

A motherfucking Devel Sixteen because who doesn’t want that much horsepower?!

Heh, I get it. “Dodge”d a bullet. You win.

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“Old Geezer Dirk Nowitski” maybe they should start calling him Dirt Nowitski.

Roast my ride, if you dare

And also, that’s a stripe straight from CSR2