
I feel as though I've just read a Yoko Ono interview.

Oh please can we have the Villager contest next

This is why I think all this xbox rage (of which I'm not really a part) will blow over. Out of everything they're doing, THIS is the most bullshit...and we've put up with it for years already. If people can't even bring themselves to "boycott" over that, the rest of what's going on (that actually brings with it

Not that it matters because the stories are so convoluted and uninteresting.

I have never played Animal Crossing before, but the Villager has already turned into my favorite character.

Dat Final Smash

I absolutely cannot believe how over-the-top everyone is being over this mockup. Say it with me everyone: mockup.

Why is it always a big surprise every year when Apple refreshes it's line to keep up with the market and a gadget blog blogs about it?

Maybe he meant "with the other hand" and that's what he was doing while commenting. That's what I'm doing now.

Hey, let people fap over whatever they want to. We all have our own turn-ons.

It just means they did all that in a way that doesn't kill or maim dolphins as a side-effect... which actually was a real problem.

This really makes me feel nostalgic for the old days. I miss the chats around the junior-high cafeteria lunch table about Super Mario Bros. 2 warp pipes, who got the "best" ending in Metroid first, etc. One kid had actually mapped out the entire 8th dungeon from Legend of Zelda, and we all took turns borrowing it. And

That's not uploading to the cloud. That's syncing your local library with your smartphone for off-line listening. There is a BIG difference.

You didn't know the 5 goes that far? I've never taken it much past Sac but I knew it kept going. Apple maps does look cleaner than Google Maps, but Google Maps is more functional and has more/better info IMO.