
I’ve largely been playing around 12-2AM PST which is prime time for Japanese players and I feel it has made me an incredible Splatoon player. I react quicker, I can read people’s actions before they do it, and I’m often top in ranked kills. It’s gotten to the point that I panic a little when I see an American player

The game doesn’t let you upload it unless you yourself manage to beat it. I’m at least glad Nintendo thought that far ahead.

I play extremely aggressively and I guess I didn’t realize this until I was camping an entire team at their spawn point one time until they finally managed to kill me, and all four of them started “squidbagging” me at the same time. After the initial rage of dying passed, I sort of realized, “Wow, I’m kind of an

It’s a bit complicated, but yes, I do. Basically, I jerk in such a finite way that it kind of messes up my sex life. When I do it by myself, I usually orgasm within a minute and get on with my day. When I’m with a partner, I either can’t stay hard or can’t orgasm at all unless I’m the one to do it.

It’s like this whole article was written for me.

Any word if the Wii purchases will roll over to Wii U? I have Mario 64, Mario Kart, and Majora’s Mask from the Wii eShop I can’t use anymore because my classic control decided it didn’t want to live anymore.

I need to get to my local rule34 board promptly.

Final Fantasy Tactics convinced me that Jesus was probably just a man that the church deified to advance its own political agenda.

She is. She "came out" on the final issue of this last Young Avengers run. Seriously good comic, btw.

Awesome advice. Thanks a ton. I'll check the links out and definitely look into the book you mentioned. Even though I would like to dabble in digital art, I think traditional art appeals to me most. Thanks again!

Oh sweet! I forgot about this little thing. Thanks!

I'll jot that all down. Just because I always assumed there was an established (albeit even if it's not unanimous) order of difficulty. I mean, everyone knows you don't try to tackle a Hendrix solo the moment you come back from buying your first guitar.

You're making a lot of sense. I mean, I've been sketching on and off my whole life—so I understand basic shading techniques, perspective, stuff like that. But when it comes time to put a brush on paper, I have no idea what to even do or where to even start. I've been afraid to start because I don't want to pick up bad

Real inquiry: I've heard all my life that art classes are useless unless you're already moderately skilled. If I wanted to start painting, what the hell could I do? Do I just go to a hobby shop and pick up some supplies? Grab a few books on color theory? Sign up for classes at a community college?

My Peach Amiibo absolutely kills my Little Mac. I trained her almost exclusively using him.

I think he actually guest starred. At least, that's what South Park's facebook had me believe.

It can also be genetics. Some people are blessed with great butts from the get-go. But really, look at any runners or lifters who dont do much beyond squats and deadlifts. Flat as as the state of Kansas.

Male glutes are different than that of females. The more men work out there ass, the tighter it gets, not rounder. You can do certain workouts like glute bridges / hip thrusts for a bubblier ass but it's something you have to go out of your way to do and doesn't happen naturally. I think Blizz was trying to give Belfs

It's okay to zoom all the way in to get a closer look. It's an aussie swimsuit company. Google image search the name of the brand for some good fun.