
Not without you having planted them. You can get the Red Hibiscus Starts from the island shop for 5 medals and replant them whenever you want. Since you can't bring anything to the island, for trees, you're limited to replanting only fruit trees. Bring fruit back from one of the island tours and just replant them

I cut down all the oak and fruit trees and just kept the palm trees closest to the hut. Why? Because you have to scare away the warf roaches and the other little bugs crawling around to get the expensive beetles to respawn. So you have to continually run a circle around the island and if you leave the palm trees in

Tips: The game you want will probably go on sale unless it's very, very new. There's a storewide sale of 25% off and a good indicator that the game you want won't be cut down is if it is not affected by the store-wide sale. However, it's best to hold out until the last day just to be sure. Skyrim didn't get reduced

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Apparently this song is back in New Leaf though I haven't found a Retro TV to test it out. I was seriously sad when this song didn't make it on both the DS and Wii AC. Glad to see it back!

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Nah, nah, nah. 1PM is where it's at. Those fucking cat noises still make me laugh like shit.

I really hated the beginning in this iteration. The town is absolutely barren when you first start up. I can see how it's a little bit of a "wtf" moment to people unfamiliar with the game.

Some of my best gaming moments have been playing The Sims franchise. Back when I was 13 and figuring my sexuality out, being able to warm up to another guy (albeit a digital one) was a really big deal to me. So it really saddens me that The Sims 3 turned out to be such a disappointment. Still, despite the fact that

Hey wow, this sounds really great. Many, many thanks. And good look on your book. Mine was shelved for about a year before I decided to do anything with it.

Yep! I gave it away twice on two separate days. I think I got about 400 downloads total? I've gotten some really good fan mail and it made me really proud of my stuff, but it didn't occur to me until months later to ask those readers to leave a review. D'oh. :(

From my experience, the Apple keyboard works really well in long distances. The Apple mouse also works really well wirelessly but it's just such a terrible mouse that I wouldn't recommend it at all.

Has anyone here successfully marketed a Kindle book? Or know where to even begin?

I'm pretty sure I sat next to Junie at a summer festival at Santa Barbara back in 2012. We were both there to see Garbage. If it really is her (and I'm really positive it is!), she's a very nice person.

Exactly this. I remember receiving an email a while back ago during all the LulzSec hackings that pretty much warned me that if I wanted to keep all my registered BioWare keycodes (for ancient games like Neverwinter Nights), I needed to upgrade to an Origin Account. Yep, I have an Origin account, but have never, and

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Goes a teeeeensy bit earlier than FFVII.... I think it's been in every major Final Fantasy in some shape or form.

But it was (a little) heavy! And we needed to be reminded of that in every.single.paragraph.

You can already do this with ctrl+shift+N. Or go to the file menu and pick it from there. Then just drop your playlists into the folders. They're collapsible so just click the arrow when you want to close them.