Homer Berkowitz

No shit there'll always be a place to share pictures, events, and information. But the article asks "Will Facebook actually matter in politics?" It's a given that the internet and some form of social networking will exist in 20 or so years. But I doubt "Facebook" will still exist. There'll be something better that

He should have just kept his mouth shut and walked away. He sounded polite, but he was really trying to spite the officer.

That's pretty cool that there's manufacturer support for this. There are probably already people doing this, now the only difference is that they have real equipment from Nissan.

When we all grow up, that's when...

Let me get this out of the way... european cop cars, the econoboxes they drive in are not intimidating to have behind me..

Whoever drives this car isn't wealthy. He's dirt poor trying to look wealthy. He can't afford anything else besides his car, so he goes to Wal Mart to buy Ramen noodles to cook on his portable one burner stove in the projects.

Unidentified submerged object... you're right, we don't know if it was sunken, which implies that it was once at the surface and is now at the bottom. We just know that it's submerged under the sea at the bottom.

"So how did they sell 100,000 cars? By selling 28,000 Cayennes, 12,000 Panameras, 10,000 of the 911, 4000 Boxsters and 2000 of the Cayman."

It's not an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) because it's not flying. It's sunken at the bottom of the sea. So it is technically an Unidentified Sunken Object, or USO.

Porche should hire a 4th grader to do their vehicle sales reports.

She should take it to a Jury trial. There's no way that'll swing with a jury.

There's really not much helping that needs to be done. This took place in Montana, but that doesn't mean that my comments have to take place in Montana. I simply took the opportunity to rant and express my distrust of law enforcement in the south.

That's really impressive for a car that still has all the amenities. You can make any old car run fast in the quarter mile, but what makes it impressive running fast while sacrificing the least. I'll be honest though, with 1300 HP (or 1500 HP), I'm surprised it doesn't run faster. I know you get diminishing

Interesting. I remember reading the initial article about this and I wondered what it would sell for.

I'm not trying to say that the law enforcement in PA is less corrupt than other places. I'm just saying that there is one less law enforcement agency to be able to be corrupt.

The south is the worst. Especially Georgia. The level of corruption among law enforcement in the south is unconscionable. Especially sheriff's departments. Since sheriff's have to be elected, there are even more politics in play that trickles down through the deputies on the street. They push and violate people's

They need to figure out a way of cloaking the chef's massive farts....

That's a pretty badass buggy. It sounds awesome. He's tearin it up! I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself on that thing yet.

Now playing

Reminds me of the movie Doomsday which takes place 30 years in the future, where they are running from the zombies, they stumble across a bunker with this exact bentley in a shipping container that's been sitting for 30 years. Funny, this car that's been sitting for one year looks like it's been sitting longer than

Interesting point. That's another trait of desirability is the ability to extract cheap horsepower from a car due to the interchangeability of parts. That's what made the later model eclipses less popular than the white eclipse depicted in the post below.