I just ran this ping for myself, and Egypt isn't even listed anymore. Wonder why.
I just ran this ping for myself, and Egypt isn't even listed anymore. Wonder why.
@Vogie: hahahaha that's the funniest thing I've read all day. I wonder what a papyrus IP address looks like.
@paqman: My roommate has that TV. It's not the best build quality, but I like it... it's a pretty good idea.
@somewhiteguy: The coil cord is half the fun!!!
That's a good deal! This is undoubtedly the most badass phone concept this year. This is the Android benchmark.
I don't think it is the right of any government to deny its citizens of internet access that previously worked for the sake of prohibiting free and open communication.
They had internet in Egypt?
Watch, there'll be some child prodigy that solves that thing in 5 minutes.
It looks like something from the "Web TV" era, (remember that?) where you hooked up a box to your old CRT.
I thought it was hilarious when the verizon iPhone was announced, and they grilled the guy during the announcement about it not being able to handle simultaneous voice and data.
You don't need to buy a $100 bottle of perfume to smell like blood and semen.
@PamelaFlying fox: Interesting point...I can't wait to see what happens when "dial-up" goes obsolete for facebook.
I like the color on it... that matte blue. That's kinda cool.
I like the color on it... that matte blue. That's kinda cool.
I get a dropped call at least once a day. There are certain dead spots in my house, usually the places where I like to talk on the phone the most, such as my favorite spot on the couch, the bathroom, and my back porch.
@Spyrus: Trust me, I understand the cost of engineering that goes into these things. $8,500 is chump change, and I'm surprised they are that cheap.
One empty can? Surely, it was that entire can that killed both of them...