wow, what a stupid guy. He should have burned/destroyed the mask afterwards and hid the cash somewhere better so his snoopy girlfriend wouldn't find it. He was probably cheating on his girlfriend and she was looking through his stuff to see if she could find some other girl's panties or used condoms.
What do you call a piece of cheese that isn't yours? NACHO CHEESE! Get it, the cheese isn't yours but I said Nacho!
@i ♥ Tofu: It's about as good as a skype call. What is an "approved, starred, or pink" commenter? What does all that mean?
Interesting! Nope, I didn't get anything. I even checked my MobileMe email.
@geolemon: True...I just wouldn't want an air compressor to have to power it. Any level of complexity is fine with me, just as long as there's no noisy air compressor that kicks on after I open or close the door.
Works good! Shows my google voice number on the caller ID of the person I call.
Rather than pneumatic, linear motors could be used instead.
Being able to "fragment" apps, and widgetize them on the desktop is a KEY feature that tablets need to have to take advantage of the extra screen real estate. This will help differentiate them from their smaller smart-phone cousins.
@Matt Turner: Exactly. That's what I'd want. Anything else is just a tacky add on. If I were to get a wooden back, it'd be a full replacement.
It'll be interesting to see what they announce. Anything is pure speculation until that point. I've read about the arsenic based life, and it's interesting to see that we are still discovering new ways that life can form, right here on earth. It shows that we are merely scratching the surface about our…
@Niteman cometh: I posted this picture because I thought it had a striking resemblance to the picture of Cohen in this article. Who knows, maybe Graboids are mutants caused by neutron bombs!
@Projections: Well, anyone would be enraged about that... but that's not what this article is about.
I hope this starts something. For every Star of David you remove, we'll add two more somewhere else in your country!
159 pounds for a bowl of melted plastic!? Jesus Tap-dancing Christ! Looks like a perfect place to put your "John's Phone" when you're not using it.
I remember there was a big spat about how Sony removed the functionality of being able to "install another OS" when they updated the PS3 operating system.
That kid looks sad. Or at least very unexcited to be sitting atop gas turbine powered model train. I'm not a model train fanatic, I swear! They're making me spend all my money on this thing!
That video was pretty cool and well produced, but I would have liked to see more of them riding it.. You need something to hold on to so you don't get thrown off when you accelerate.