Homer Berkowitz

The Comcast app is pretty nice. I've used it on my iPhone to be able to browse the guide, but the remote DVR control still doesn't work. I think it's only for "select" markets. Being that my market doesn't even have FX-HD, I wouldn't consider it a "select" market.

True.. That's why my next project is a PC fish tank instead!

Well, they just finished their data center in North Carolina, right? It's probably something that has to do with that. I'm guessing its streaming music that you don't have to download. You pay the same for it, it remains in your account, but you can stream it from multiple devices and can download it if you choose.

Now playing

This is the same engine Yves Rossy used in his "Jet Pack" airplane. Except he used 4 of them.

I remember seeing this kind of stuff in ASPCA commercials.

Looks like something you'd buy at "Urban Outfitters". Overpriced retro stuff for hipsters.

@I. Heart. Cars.: I didn't do the enhancing work. NASA did it. Do a google image search for "bat on space shuttle" and you'll get a thousand other pics like this. There really was a bat on the space shuttle's external fuel tank right before launch, and yes, the little bat went for quite the ride.. NASA sources

There, I fixed it.

at least the shuttle isn't trying to take off in Africa.

might want to do some sobriety tests on those that are working on the railroad.

I wonder if it was caused by another Bat on the external fuel tank...

There's already drive through strip club near Pittsburgh, PA.

You should put the rocket motors facing horizontal on the outside of the Roomba. That way, when you light them off, it spins really really fast.

@KaneFisher: I agree. The smoke trail looks exactly like the smoke trail from the shuttle or a delta rocket launch from the cape. It goes straight up for a short distance, then goes off on an angle.

rear camera? periscope mirror add-on?

All I'd want is minesweeper and solitaire.

I still think it's amazing that the US has a fleet of nuclear powered ships that are 4.5 acres of sovereign and mobile US territory you can land a plane on.

does it work with an iPhone?

Maybe they can make themselves useful and spot NEO's.