Homeless Nessman

Agreed on Steve. During my first watch, I was like “Why did innocent ol’ Barb have to die and this douchebag is still alive?” But then they humbled him later in the season and made him more tolerable. Then they paired him with Dustin, which became the best part of the show, then gave him Robin, which became even more

You know the kids dragged surprisingly responsible babysitter Steve into going to that haunted house with them & he is likely to get his ass kicked trying to protect them, as usual.

I know I would much rather see something like Black Panther which is by and about POC that tells stories from their perspective than “It’s James Bond but he’s [record scratch] a Lady!?”

“Don Ohlymeyer fancies himself a creative. That guy couldn’t create gas after a bean dinner.”

I think O.J. Simpson reputation was gone the moment HE DECIDED TO MURDER HIS WIFE, Norm Macdonald making fun of the ridiculousness of the trial to publicly save him was epic.

Man, this Don Ohlmeyer guy sure was willing to stick up for his friend who murdered his ex-wife and her waiter friend.

They should just make this movie more surreal by CG’ing his hairline back even further and adding a five o’clock shadow that grows between shots.

*Thunderous Applause*

The whole tone of it is bizarre. At some point AVClub devolved into TMZ except with no connections whatsoever  

The two sequels have (most) excellent fight scenes and few okay story beats, but generally I find watching them a drag.

One thing I’m curious about — if you’re too young to have watched the original movies, does this trailer make a lick of sense? Or give you any reason to want to watch the movie?

It had never occurred to me before, but I very much want to watch that.

Does this mean I have to sit through #2 and 3 again?

Are we still using the phrase “cautiously optimistic”? Because I’m cautiously optimistic. This looks amazing, but I also got some Force Awakens - nostalgia rehash vibes from it.

This movie is going to be a hot mess

This movie is going to be a hot mess, and I’m most likely going to pay to see it.

Netflix got the dog.

Sadly, this is 100% textbook behavior of what recovery therapists refer to as “flight to health”. The grandiloquent epiphanies, entering a serious romantic/sexual relationship, the recovering addict impregnates their the partner, and the addict elevating the partner to savior status are all enormous, post-active addict