Homeless Nessman

We’re heading into the weekend. If it isn’t fixed now, it probably won’t be.

But filmed in Spain now, so, tapas Western? Jamón Western?

Was getting spaced on BSG not punishment enough?!?!

I had a similar experience with Superstore: I watched the first 4 or 5 episodes because I’d heard good things about it, but it’s just not for me. It kind of felt like the show hated most of its own characters. It probably gets better (almost nothing peaks in season one), but I wasn’t interested in it enough to find out

Stephen? That’s so much worse!

Well, I might’ve disliked it because I’m now a jaded 50-something. If I’d seen it when it came out (when I was 19), I might’ve liked it. I love some pretty stupid movies from that era!

I remember when Funny Farm came out, but I’ve still never seen it.

But what about dramedy? Why are you excluding dramedy?!?

Hard worker, loyal husband, all-around fine person!

Second time I’ve seen that mistake in the last month. The other was in my local newspaper! Now, I’m exasperated!

You really haven’t experienced HRC until you’ve eaten at the McMurdo Station location.

But he’s been “volunteering at food banks” since the incident! Food banks!

Life everlasting -- based on a misprint!

All You Need Is SNARK

But he seems to hate everything, including (and especially) subtlety. Definitely the shoutiest of the Doctors.

Or pushing us to watch it the first time. I’d seen every Marvel movie except Dark World but finally got around to it because of the pandemic. It’s not nearly as bad as I’d heard!

I suspect it was never a widely known film, but I was able to rent it from my local Blockbuster in the ‘90s, so it must’ve done some business. They only had one copy, of course, but they had it.

With occasional guest-hosting visits from Ron Burgundy and Ricky Bobby.

Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!