
He might have were he actually able to read them.

“Welcome to Kenya” is so simple but so brutally effective.

I’m surprised that Orange Dumbass, upon seeing the Kenya signs, didn’t jump back into Air Force One and scream about getting him out of Africa right now.

Also that the people he most wants approval from, like Obama better. :)

The birther argument is a lot like his alleged hair; there’s nothing there, but he teases and pushes things around until it looks like there is.

Trump knows very well that Obama was born in the USA, he just cannot handle the fact that a black man is far more erudite than himself.

Now playing

Trump has two ex-wives who were not born in the USA. The most recent cannot string a coherent sentence together without plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Melania Trump has claimed to be fluent in five languages .....

I love Hawaii already and now even more so.

Exactly. Like their black isn’t that “black.”

We don’t know this dude, we don’t fuck with him, we don’t care about his IDENTITY CRISIS. What he doesn’t get to do impose himself on a black site, on black people who are PROUD of being black and don’t need to be weighed down by individuals like him too weak to stay the course, too weak to fight the war but who will

That’s what my money’s on. Cubans are so lost, it’s sad.

There are two things that incense me about this story. The first: that the city of Miami screwed up and now wants the media not to do its job. The second? That at least one of the alleged perpetrators of a horribly racist act looks black AF, and willingly participated in this anti-black fuckery. He probably identifies

One more time for those in the back and the hard of hearing.

To all my Latin@ brothers and sisters sucking up to white power,

...and may subject the City to potential civil liability for the unwarranted disclosure of public records.

This asshole is just lucky he didn’t hit one of the kids. Bullets frequently go through walls and into unintended victims.

Yeah, whenever I need to end an argument, I always fire off a few rounds. Into my own fucking home, like a dumbass. Yosemite Sam is basically my role model.

White People are the worst.

Stop the nonsense South East America. Even if there were like 5 black soldiers that thought the War was a good idea and they wanted to fight for their homeland, stop it. Just fucking stop it.

POC do this all day, multiple times a day, every single day and white people will still say we “whine” about everything when the reality is we don’t “whine” about 7/8 of it.