I might agree with that. More like a shit spring rain.
I might agree with that. More like a shit spring rain.
In reality those are all the same solution. And in my opinion, are also one of the alternatives I proposed. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think pitting someone is a good choice. But if the driver in the truck would like to travel at a speed that is 5mph faster than the rate of speed chosen by the Z, the only option in…
What is the truck’s alternative? And what is the Z’s alternative? It seems the options for the truck include too much force (which he chose), or submitting to the will of every rando self-appointed Sheriff that illegally uses the left lane. The Z on the other hand can either decide that everyone else’s actions are…
You are completely right here. As a long-time Michigan resident I know that this practice (at least in MI) is ILLEGAL, but don’t take my word for it... http://thegarage.jalopnik.com/curbstoning-ho…
There’s a lot of misleading and/or completely false information in this video/article. Lidar jammers are legal in *at least* 39 states. Radar jammers are illegal, not because police “don’t appreciate active interference with their equipment” but rather because they federally illegal due to FCC regulations against…
I totally agree that Jalop can be pretty good. The problem for me lies in the wildly varying degrees of quality.
Yea, what @skymeat said. The plastic bodied ones are a little cheap. I have had one of these last for years: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B52NYNM/…
Your implication that it would be a long trip “down” is misleading.
Can’t he rent a ship, “transport” the vehicle into international water, remove the engine, then import two containers? I’m not saying this is the preferred method, but it is a proper circumvention of the system...right?
God I hope these “live feeds” fail hard enough that you guys stick to writing. You’re much better at that.
Anybody up for a road trip/bomb run through NC this weekend? I feel compelled to do a Gumball-esque rally in protest.
I can get you a discounted version but shipping is probably going to be pricey back to the lower 48. Only $1700 in HI. http://honolulu.craigslist.org/mol/cto/544890…
Earnhardt was a huge influence on NASCAR at the time and single-handedly held back implementation of safety devices because he was a “purist”. He actively fought the implementation of HANS usage because he said they were uncomfortable and limited head movement within the car. The number of racers he endangered because…
I can’t say that I have read whatever it is your wrote about last week, but having been in remarkably similar motorcycle vs car accidents in both a $150 helmet and a $800 helmet, I can say with distinct certainty that the $150 helmet did *NOT* protect my brain “just as well”. While yes I did not lose motor functions…
I love how this merry band of geniuses first turns the car toward the wall then 3 of them put their weight into crushing his head further until someone finally realizes that they should try to move the car *away* from the wall.
I see you read the article title. It isn’t about being in a uniform to oppress and create uniformity among the masses. It is about what the uniform represents. Whether you like or not, studies into human phycology show that.
Just in case you wanted to educate yourself on the legitimacy of the OP’s question... http://www.forbes.com/sites/ruchikat…
Doug I know you aren’t as dense as you’re letting on. And as everyone points out, it wasn’t the car’s fault but rather the tires. But from reading the comments/your replies I can’t help but think - you know snow tires are for *cold* and not just snow right? Summer tires are made of rubber which becomes much stiffer in…
Almost as ugly as this POS up in Midland, MI.