I do not think it is anyone’s “JOB” to completely end racism. I am simply asking that we all stop calling each other derogatory names based on race and skin color.
I do not think it is anyone’s “JOB” to completely end racism. I am simply asking that we all stop calling each other derogatory names based on race and skin color.
“Separate films can and probably should be judged separately”
I can and I do, I don’t need you to tell me that. I just realized you might think that I am making the argument that the book redeems the movie. Which would mean that you assume that the movie needs redeeming. If this is the case, we are not on the same page.
The movie was great, the book is great. I think they go…
They are different in some ways and the same in other ways. My opinion is that I can enjoy the same story between the two. That is physically possible for me to do, so you saying that it is wrong of me to do means you seem to have some unexplained moral issue with the particular way other people ENJOY STAR WARS.
I’m Mexican.
Credit will go where it is due regardless of how I choose to perceive the story being told. I choose to judge the story as the movie and the book. You choose to judge it separately, yet you don’t hear me saying that you are wrong. You are just different.
Seems to me people don’t like being lumped into groups and being called a derogatory name.
“These are separate things, and can only be judged separately.”
“these are conversations we have, you know, it never goes that way of “thou shalt do this” and “thou shalt do that.” It’s never that. It’s always, “Look, what do we think we can do? This is what we’re trying to achieve, can we do this? Do you think we can?” It’s more that than it is anything else. It’s unfortuante…
“You can only base the movie on its own merits, not the books.”
“Raw skill is important. It’s not everything. There are five other players on your team. You need to utilize and empower them.”
I cannot wait for the article about how “sad” sims feed into stereotypes regarding depression.
This game’s portrayal of an insane person will hurt 0 people with mental illness, but it seems like it has an effect on those who happen to be missing a spine.
Source: Am mentally ill
TIL Asian people are banned from America
>Hates opportunistic grifters
Something something correlation causation
I’ll take another generalizing buzzword for $5
“It’s unpolished, but artfully unpolished, like a patch-studded jacket.”
The burden lies on the one making the claim, not the one denouncing it.
>Implying the notion that the gender pay gap is a myth can only come from the influence of politicians
“Coloured people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Bum the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag.”