
That’s called the Liberal Effect and it has always applied to Liberals and Gawker. What TRUMP does is highlight things are true, but that most are too feckless to identify.

“Guy needs to put his ego aside and shoot underhanded.”

I realize you were being sarcastic, but you also stated the position of Liberals in regard to most issues similar to this.*

Darwin wins again.

Yet you would still vote for a Clinton after Bill raped women and Hillary tried to destroy the women that complained.

Meanwhile, a flood of Islamic migrants move into Europe and rape rates sky-rocket while politicians look the other way and rationalize.



Then fuck you asshole.

These false cries of “racist” by the feeble-minded who can’t win an argument on merit are getting tired. Please take them to your safe space.

So good of the Bengals to clean up so much of the shit in the league with their roster.

He did NOT have a 110,000 DOLLAR chip stack. Those were tournament chips meaning he was only out the entry fee of $5,000.

If you were anywhere near Bills Clinton or Cosby the answer is yes.

Senator Ted Kennedy was involved in the drowning death of a woman. Clearly, you are ignorant of the giants in your party from killer Kennedy to rapist Clinton.

Or with a Democratic Senator.

That is how the MSM treat Obama every day.

About as many as Americans that know they are being lied to by their government?

Religion of side-Piece.