
Who is flogging you?

The snowflake lost her safe space.

Internalized misogyny is a helluva drug

You simply cannot be a Conservative and be pro-choice. She cracked. I doubt there are other Conservative pro-choicers. She’s more liberal than she wants us to believe. She thought it was safe and edgy to take ANY liberal position for once, and still be respected by Conservatives. “Ooh Tomi is a modern Conservative. So

Hillary lost the white female vote. It’s important to remember that.

No, they didn’t ignore her - that would be “I don’t know her.” This was them getting together and saying: “Lets put her in her place.” They got all their bronies together and started electronically body-slamming her, virtually pummeling her for daring to step an iota out of line, like good misogynists do, like 45


All day I’ve been reading the Tomi Lahren headlines as, “Woman Lies Down With Dogs, Gets Fleas”

Crazy how fast they turned on her too. I mean Lahren is a Grade A Certified piece of shit but damn, that shit was cold as ice.

Sadly they are not. They’re piling on. Conservative women hate women too.

Ohhhh Tomi. Now you’re learning what all of us former “cool girls” learned: you are not, and will never be, exempt from misogyny.

She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

LMAO... I would laugh my ass off if once the wall is finished, the inevitable ribbon cutting ceremony is punctuated with a simultaneous mass coordinated “BOOM!”.

Or any WWII documentary that includes the Maginot Line.

It gives me extra chills that the person you’re citing was a teacher. If you don’t understand the basic premise of cause-and-effect, you aren’t qualified to teach children.

Now playing

This is for those among us that think the rural Trump supporters will wake up and smell the coffee once they notice the factories aren’t coming back and now they cannot afford the cheap healthcare ACA granted them; here’s a woman crediting Donald Trump, president for all of two months who has yet to sign a single

They won’t be voted out. Have you been paying attention? This fucking guy got voted into office because people wanted this. Millions and millions of voters wanted this. I wish you were right; sadly, I think not.