He should have thought about that before throwing all his weight behind the misogynistic racist rotten cheeto in a failed bid to stay relevant post-Bridgegate.
He should have thought about that before throwing all his weight behind the misogynistic racist rotten cheeto in a failed bid to stay relevant post-Bridgegate.
Best part of this is you KNOW Chris Christie is weeping in the shower somewhere.
Innuendo and propinquity
Except that Trump supporters use BILL Clinton’s infidelity as a reason to NOT vote for Hillary.
It completely matters as more to pile on the whole hypocritical shit show about 45% of voting Americans are.
As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.
Trump supporter: “Well, maybe he did strangle a baby but......emails!”
She has entered the “shit-work” part of the job she took when she married him. I wish her luck.
It’s their overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. Kinda like spidey sense, but racist.
I think going along with and defending this bullshit means she is not a decent person.
I think this is it. Not just with Melania, but with all the people that support Trump. My family is this way—when one person does it, a man, usually, it is seen as being tough and telling it like it is. And if you call them out on it, it is akin to you setting their hair on fire for absolutely no reason. They just…
She doesn’t really care if she’s first lady or not. If her husband wasn’t running for president, she’d be living a quiet life of luxury in which she mostly ignores his existence and encourgaes him to find himself girlfriends as long as he keeps them quiet and doesn’t divorce her.
I’m confused about where people got the notion that she’s probably good people.
I mean, is she an idiot, or does she think I’m one?
She’s b-l-a-c-k.
I keep coming back to the idea that she is a genius. She doesn’t want to be First Lady. She gave an interview where, in order to excuse her reprehensible husband, called him a child. Now she has picked Trump’s most readily apparent quality to highlight as being a problem? I need the Honorable Kara Brown to rule if…
What is crazy to me is the number of conservatives lashing out on twitter about how much of a class act Melania is and how Michelle Obama has no class. I seriously can’t even process how anyone can see FLOTUS as not being a class act, regardless of politics.
Uh have you met your husband?
So he doesn’t want her to die. He just wants her to be punished for treason by being shot until she is no longer living. But. He doesn’t want her to die. Those are different things, you see.