
And there’s the “we should have taken their (Iraq’s) oil to prevent the rise of ISIS/L.” Dude, that’s contrary to the Geneva Convention. It’s a war crime. The type that ends with lots of people either at The Hague or permanently unable to go anywhere that has extradition. And even Bed Bath and Beyond doesn’t have

$62 million in 2016 dollars, per the US inflation calculator.

14 million IN 1975! That’s not a small loan today and it most certainly was a massive loan in the 70s!

The equivalence assholes are worse than the actual Trump supporters in my opinion. Well, not worse in the kind of people they are, but worse in their disingenuous bullshit. At least Trump supporters are upfront about their idiocy, thode who are equating them are just dishonest jackholes.

Ikr? She pushed his buttons all night long. He was an unmitigated disaster.

I’m still stunned from the moment Trump doubled down on the concept of turning our armed forces into global mercenaries “we defend them? Let them pay for it” to the point that Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold

His reply was more telling, in that he called it a “small loan.” A small loan of $14 mil.

Hillary brain ninja’d the FUCK out of that diseased orange with that comment about his dad giving him money. He was in control up until that point, subdued and a little boring, and then he immediately began to unravel. It was beautiful.

Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.

I just read this interesting article today about how Hitler (and a lot of Nazis) were utterly dependent upon meth and how seminal battles were only possible due to it. And how Hitler’s “ill health” before he killed himself was likely withdrawal because the drug factories had been bombed. Very interesting!

I picked a hell of a week to debate Hillary Clinton.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Well I just found someone over on The Guardian who believes that a John Pilger article, which essentially boils down to that Hillary is the true evil as Trump is a peacemaker with Russian and China and that for the last 20 years the US has deliberately been attempting to create perpetual war, is ‘well evidenced and

I can’t fathom how anyone can possibly be undecided in this election.

YOUR CHILDREN ARE BLACK, YOU BEAUTIFUL MORON! How are you going to vote for someone endorsed by the literal KKK?

His supporters on Gawker used to regularly explain that you can’t actually listen to what he SAYS, because he’s not smart enough to understand policy and also he’s only saying offensive things to appeal the base.

How do we know she wasn’t on fire before she went out into the street?

But remember everyone, calling this arsonist an “Islamaphobe” is the real deplorable thing to do.