And NO bleeding...lousy dames...
And NO bleeding...lousy dames...
I find it weird that everyone just parrots the line that Ivanka Trump is a “successful businesswoman”, as this article does. And the proof of that is... she has a job her father gave her, merited by being born, in his business, whose successfulness is.. debatable, at best. Also, her title is some bs “VP of…
Well, if she doesn't like the behavior, I guess she could leave the campaign or start a new career.
Men are better equipped to talk about this issue then women. They can stay objective and unemotional about it.
Why would we need to hear from her when we have all these men around to tell people how she should/would handle sexual harassment?
I’d like to hear his daughter say something. Or maybe she’s not allowed to have anything to say, you tell me.
I’ve got to say it’s interesting because if you removed the fact that Donald Trump is her father (which amplifies this to wtf territories my mind is too exhausted to bleach out) the things Trump has said about Ivanka would probably fall into a category of sexual harassment in most companies. Ranking her hotness.…
“After bringing up the Roger Ailes controversy, the third-oldest Trump spawn proceeded to insinuate that “strong” women do not let themselves be placed in situations where they can feasibly be harassed—and that his sister “wouldn’t allow herself to be objected [sic] to it.”
Hey you know what fuck you
It would also make the Trump campaign look pretty dumb if they released a statement revealing that they’d done something forbidden by federal law.
“...campaign manger Paul Manafort also declared that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, and if it had, the culprit was probably Hillary Clinton, ruler of Hades and mastermind of Everything Bad That Happens.”
So much spin made by one ballerina.
Based on the awkward tone and wording of this letter, I think the Trump understanding of what “the best” means is seriously alarming.
Yes. Corporations are forbidden from donating to campaigns, and the lending of resources (including employee time) would be considered an “in-kind” donation. This is why the campaign has to pay the Trump Org. for the use of the plane, hotel space for campaign events, etc. The campaign could pay the Trump Org for the…
If Michelle did that republicans already would've had articles of impeachment drawn up for Barack.
1)Didn’t Melania give a great speech? She wrote it herself!
If that’s true, it doesn’t seem nitpicky. It seems like a big deal if Trump Organization resources are being used for the campaign when they shouldn’t be.
I think another very important facet to this story is them asking for help from professionals and then ignoring it. Many people supporting him say, “Well he might not have experience, but he’ll hire the best people.” And now we know, yes he will and then he won’t listen and do what he wants anyway.
Every employee in the Trump organization sounds like they have Stockholm syndrome and speaks like Sinatra’s character in “The Manchurian Candidate”
Think of the electricity that could be generated by this campaign’s spin.