
It’s kind of impressive that Trump could pick someone who would be objectionable is almost every opposite way from him. I’ve known people who are like “Well, at least Trump isn’t terrible on abortion and gay rights” and then he picks Pence, who is truly awful on both. There’s almost a part of me that wants to

I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.

coming out of somewhere

Lord, this is some nouveau riche bullshit. Regular people don’t need this and won’t buy something that’s just going to jam up the washing machine when you forget it’s on the towel.

Dry yourself off, draw blood.

Conservative is political speak for “I’m terrified; it’s all passing me by.”

It’s interesting how these has-beens (you as well Stacey Dash) suddenly embrace an almost comical conservatism when the spotlight fades.

Meanwhile, Ralph Malph has yet to weigh in on the 2016 election.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

Like the time Hillary Clinton was on one of the late night talk shows and they did a bit about mansplaining. Rather than finding it funny or apt, Jezebel called it “cringeworthy”. And I thought “really Jezebel? The blog that talks about mansplaining mocked actual mockery of mansplaining?”

She needs this endorsement if she even wants to touch the Mom vote.

And moms are stupid or something?

It’s Hilary Clinton. Anything she does must be met with snark, disbelief, negative judgement, and dissection of what she “really” means. She can’t just be an older woman using a trend to make a bad joke.

Now playing

It’s fine. She can’t win either way. If she makes a joke, she’s an old woman who is out of touch, while, hell, Obama and Biden can make dad jokes out the yinyang. If she doesn’t make jokes, she’s a dried up twat who is calculating and evil. Because women and ambition just don’t mix. It just doesn’t matter how she

It’s really a lot of young men who perpetuate the very worst of these ideas about what vulvas are supposed to look at. Mostly insecure and sexually inexperienced men (and boys, really), who literally make fun of female bodies, and treat them as disgusting oddities and punchlines if they don’t fit a pornified ideal

I liked the T-Swift vag sandwich as it harkened to Georgia O’Keefe and the artistic and assymetrical beauty so often found in life. The other sandwich looked like a post-surgery photo.

I had a LOT of fun in my twenties, then had two kids so I guess this represents my vag to crazy, possibly fictitious god sandwich lady.

Don’t go to the wedding. Seriously.