
Thank you for these mansplanations. They explain why the states with the most abortion restrictions are the most likely to vote Republican.

Takes me back to that march in the summer of ‘76:

Hey, you go with what you got.

Rock, Freedom sucks!

Yay! to this, but I wonder how much of the student body hasn’t already emotionally committed to somewhere else.

This sounds like the sort of substantive, in-depth article that Nick Denton was talking about, according to that story in Sunday’s Times. Kittens and Kardashians are nice, but real reporting with substance still has value.

Who is this person?

WWWD? What would Wickham do?

A snuff film of the husband. Stangled by the garter. In the cloak room.


This Delawarean is still upset at Joe Biden for his behavior during that time. How embarrassing.

I’m a lawyer. I don’t think this history should disqualify the juror. OTOH, sometimes you just have to go with what you got.

And, athough there was a rescue puppy or two, still no Little Boo.

You mean an entire text of “DTF?” doesn’t constitute making plans?

Ha ha. One of my sisters wrote a memior that strayed from the truth for dramatic (and personal) reasons. The teleplay strayed even further. I entertained my friends by watching it with them and commenting on it (“that didn’t happen that way,” or “that never happened at all” or “I was the one who did that, and she took

Hmm. This antagonistic response to an honest gesture has never happened to me. Maybe you give off a bad vibe.

Her name is in the credits.

I wonder if this is a common problem in the industry. (Anonymous) comments from industry veterans would be appreciated.

Lawyer. But also a member of the 1099 workforce, so I know all about having discipline (and not having discipline) in self-withholding.

I saw this movie on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. My first thought, and the one that has stayed with me, is that these women are probably not paying their taxes as they get paid and are going to be in for a rude surprise at the end of the year, after they have spent all their income.