
Let me ask: Why? And before you use the lazy answer “Because that’s how the Founding g Fathers wanted it”.....please do remember that they weren’t perfect and that believe it or not, their original vision has definite room for improvement.

Also, you prefer DACA be re-enacted by the legislative branch? Remember that after Nov. 2018.

No, you see, thing is, your absolute citizenship revocation is a good idea....and obviously, should be applied to ANY American who was born here and has proven themselves to be worthless, like, say, the majority of Trump voters. I mean, if you support it, then you must support it for all. Because making exceptions

Ever hear of the tech industry?

Wow. You’re really, really revealing yourself with each corner you get pushed into.

Shhhh! They don’t like to hear that, just like they don’t like to hear about the white trash contingent of their base.

Just give up. You’ve revealed, through a Cascade of code words, that you are racist.

“And a constitutional amendment revoking absolute birthright citizenship”

In regards to Omar’s story: I don’t care if this makes me sound like an Internet tough guy or not...I don’t care who you or they fucking root for, if I catch you bullying the elderly, I’m going to hit you in your fucking eardrum.

Dude, your team’s coach is Tywin Lannister with jowls.

..........Jim Ross, world’s biggest Okies fan, is also a Steelers fan? That’s...kinda odd.

Makes all the sense in the world. See, it goes like this:

Rest in Peace

“Make the red States gold. And make the blue ones gold too.”

It was a morass of darkness that presented him with the fucking thing to begin with.

Your family is shit.

Ben Roethlisberger is still a rapist.

Maybe they shouldn’t have spent high school dicking around then, “knowing that the plant would always be there”.

That’s the problem: The angry “bring back coal” people are not mentally or emotionally adults.

How about using the bullshit that is about to regularly flow out of Heinz Field as a combustible fuel?