
Great idea. Nicely shot. Meh script. Bad acting. Bad VFX.

I wanted to like this show. I really tried but Ellie Kemper just isn't strong enough a lead to make it work.

To each their own. I enjoy giving a woman head and it's not because I expect oral in return. Honestly, I'd say a good percentage of women aren't particularly good at giving blowjobs so I'd just rather they didn't. The only person this really impacts in any way, shape or form is the man who is considering being in a

Russia, it's Denmark...

A) Not a skateboard at all much more like lame-o rollerblades

Screenshot or it didn't happen IMO.

A lot of really good work and ideas here but Phoenix is a fail.

Wow so cool. Thank you for taking the time to inform the uninformed.

You're making my brain hurt.


I don't actually think all women like me, in fact, I assume the opposite. It's just that if given the opportunity, or the in, I can surprise, impress and close a strong 85% of the time. You know, I'm like sex panther only ... with slightly better odds.

This is SO wrong on so many levels. I really don't know ...

Great story.

That is some lame ass editing and even lamer flashing transitions.

Don't watch SNL, it's lame, the Conan piece is killer!