fuck off, you don’t know shit about Boston if you are saying that.
fuck off, you don’t know shit about Boston if you are saying that.
Good luck with that you fat fuck
Lwaxana Troi, worst character ever.
ya know, i coulda done with out all the N-Bombs in the video. pretty shitty that you didnt put up a nsfw warning about the audio andrew.
Sorry, but that random made up crap of a conversation doesn’t apply, and is basically the worst strawman ever put forth on a kinja website.
Only people who have a brain cloud dont like that movie.
im guessing the no is for using the gun part.
My password is Very Strong! everyone uses Password but im smarter than that, I use Drowssap and woot I beat the hackers after my email from the exotic penis enlargement companies of the far east and my plethora of eager and willing Russian Brides!
I <3 Rose Tyler. Best Companion Ever. So Yay!
Germain, Thanks for not spoiling the flik with the headline. It happens far too often, so kudos, nice job.
The number of “Yes I bought the book” is rather telling.
How many of the SJW’s currently crying in their bowl of frosted snowflakes here actually went out and bought the book?
I <3 Nancy Grace. Her hair is mesmerizing, it looks like Magnetos helmet, only not magenta but in bottled blonde.
awesome. He was excellent as Charles Vane. cant wait to see him in this role.
The Leia doll looks amazing.
Omg, loved that show! I did not know edd was part of it. What team was he on?
Oh, you’re a badass harry potter spoiler, are you? Well nut up son and tell us what happens to the following:
you’d have to watch him to be distressed that he ‘might’ leave. outside of the repblo-wonks, who watches the gas bag? so, really, who the fuck cares?