Holden Holden

Fuckin' O'Neal. You are a goddamn writer, sir.

But yet Macy's is "Wrapped in Love™"…

John, I would like you to review every game show that was ever on the GSN in the 90s, starting with Card Sharks and ending with Card Sharks. …

A feat among feats. A god among mere mortals. Your journey through the Superverse and beyond has given hope to the rest of us, that one day, we too can hope to exist in a post-Marvel world.

Rick and Morty should win all the tacos. Wait what is this event about

I wish Harris Wittels was alive to see this.

I watch episodes of TNG on a nightly basis. Definitely still holds up if you can get past mid-80's special effects.

Is nothing sacred :(

…how many suits do you think Jon Stewart owns?

Ugh, the latest Hasenpfeffer Incorporated update gives me a weird sheen when I fluff my hair. Anyone else?

Of course time travel is allowed, this is a game show!

The Avengers: Spidermen 2: Too Many Spidermen

I hate fun.

I didn't see the episode yet, but not having the rights to "Happy Birthday" is a long-time runner on the CBB podcast. Maybe it's an attempt for fan-pleasing.

Of course it's a trilogy. There's money to be had!

Still really, really hate Britta.

I never met my dad, I don't have a beard and I don't wear flannel.

Not that I necessarily agree, but I'm kinda surprised not to see Zizek on a primarily European list.

You're right, that's poor wording.

Passing over my refusal to watch season 4, I thought this was the worst
Community episode I've ever seen. Die-hard fan, and I'm not sure where the issues came from. I do know that I now can't stand it when Britta comes on screen, despite
her being one of my favorite characters as recently as the last few
episodes of