
“Still not worth $20,000. Not even close.”

News Flash: Not everyone wants, or exalts, the “almighty” S2000.


I would love a late model R3 with an LS swap. Maybe one day...

Nobody wanted to buy one at $50K, the occasional 20% off deal notwithstanding. You really think they’d go for one at $70-80K?

Why? To sell a car that was never intended to be moved in large numbers even before the first unit hit the US?

The second amendment never requires anyone to be in a militia to bear arms. “The right of the people” is used in many instances all throughout the Constitution to refer to all US persons.

They make the guns look scary. Therefore, such mods must give the ability to kill more people!

I’d say what the hell is wrong with your eyes?

You do know BaT is an auction site, right? There is no “asking pricing”. Even then, the website owners ensure your reserve is realistic.

Assuming it was actually imported through the Show or Display exemption OR after it was 25 years old, yes.

Depends on how and when it was imported.

I have a few ARs sitting at home. They haven’t killed anyone. When do they become sentient and go on lone killing sprees?

Don’t forget the climactic jump that was somehow facilitated by a hood that was propped up against a wrecked car.

So, “beast” and “win” are synonyms in your thesaurus?

Can anyone supply a legitimate article that states the pistons are indeed forged? Everything I’m reading says things like “strengthened”, “upgraded”, or “stronger”.

No lowballers! I know what I have.

C’mon Kristen, nobody’s Holden a gun to their heads.


And it might last a whole month if you’re lucky!

And it might last a whole month if you’re lucky!