
Sorry, but this is missing the forrest for the trees. Forcing editorial decisions on news staffs across the country IS extremely dangerous no matter what the context is. Also, what Sinclair is saying here is that only they can be trusted to give unbiased news. It is like FoxNews’ “Fair and Balanced” slogan.

Looked like he was parallel to the ball. Doesn’t matter if he was behind the defense. Onside if you ask me.

Looked like he was parallel to the ball though. Onside if you ask me.

Crazy that they’ll probably get a top 5 pick (from Sac) in 2019 and another lottery pick (from Memphis) in the next three years.

Ben Simmons has played one season in the NBA. Ben Simmons has gone to the playoffs in that one season. Why would his attitude be affected by what happened in previous seasons?

As a kid I thought it was slang for calling him gay.

eh. I feel like songs get mostly a pass (based on intent obviously) as the artist is putting the word in the public sphere to be sung along to. That’s what songs are for right?

yeesh this is a really bad piece

“The term can sometimes refer to cities, towns, and neighborhoods that are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past; for example those affected by high levels of unemployment and dereliction.”

Even two donuts has less sugar than most muffins.

I like how you conveniently skipped over the sugar part (which is the single worst part of each). Also, the article is not click-baity. A single donut from DD IS better for you than a muffin. Neither are “good” for you per se. A donut is simply less bad for you.

Alaskans do. Not defending the sport one way or the other, but this is a weird comment.

What does stadium funding have to do with player salary? Tax payers subsidize the owner, not the player.

Why is this dude stanning for replays? lol

My “every” usage, I assumed, was obvious hyperbole. Of course not every single exciting play is reviewed. My point is that “too often” (is that better phrasing for you?) exciting, scoring, and turnover plays are reduced to waiting for a replay than the pure, instantaneous joy/grief they are supposed to illicit.

This. So much this. The joy/gut wrench of a great play makes watching sports worthwhile. Some of that enthusiasm has been lost (especially in American football).

No, it is the replay itself. Knowing that every touchdown/exciting/close play will be reviewed literally kills my enjoyment of the play in real time. I know it will be reviewed, so I lose the spontaneous joy/anger. Replay can only work when done remotely. Refs should never stop the game to review a call.

I actually agree. I think part of the reason I quit watching football (amongst the many other reasons) is them reviewing every touchdown/exciting play.

That isn’t even close to being a competent analogy. Are you just being knowingly dense?

The generalization that crypto as a whole is a ponzi scheme is absurd.