
Without even a warning [*FARTS*]

I donated to the Huston Humane Society. My Cat Herd in San Diego is sending it’s Love and Support.

Huh. I like all these people.

With the amount of white space at the bottom of your comment I thought for sure you were going for the “OF COCK” gag. Thanks for breaking the heart of ten year old me, Kinja!

I’m from Fredonia and would never include Rach-cha-cha with WNY :)

Good on you and the Missus. Glad to hear you and yours are okay!

During War of the Roses every other little squirt was named Edward, but, yeah....mix it up a little.

As long as they’re not made out of Sprite.

They wouldn’t earn you any Brownie points, that’s for sure.

Dog will hunt!

Of all the things to not be Pending...


Just a little off the top. Leave the Qyburns.


I know I know. This KinjaTrump thing has us all funked up.


That’s so Kinja!

Firstly, thank god they made this clear: “pegasisters,

It was...disconcerting.

If pegasisters isn’t a thing it absolutely should be.