
I am still waiting for GTAV:San Andreas. Because the San Andreas in V sure ain’t the San Andreas i knew and loved.

This year, the 3 big FPS franchises has great campaigns. Now i hope they make the story length longer. Is it so difficult to hope for a decent length campaign? Something as long as Bioshock/Half Life would be fine.

I would have brought a single-player only Titanfall game with a campaign length of say Bioshock at full price.

Ummm...he meant Endless Legend the game.

Magnificent Seven!

And....of course she participated in The Apprentice. Go figure! 

Dammit! When i saw Lost Odyssey, i got excited for 1 sec on the hope that it finally got announced for PC. Guess it’s back to more waiting :(


I know that this is a clichéd choice but I’m still waiting for a good Harry Potter game that’s not Lego. A Harry Potter RPG with the same care and polish given to Shadow of Mordor and Arkham series would have been so perfect. I actually hope that Rocksteady will tackle Harry Potter next as a challenge.

Arch! Now I wish someone in Nintendo is a huge fan of the Suikoden series. Having a exclusive Suikoden 6 game for NX will be the system big system seller for me imo.

Witcher 2 is a really short game when compared to Witcher 1. Oh boy i don’t know how many times i had to replay Act 1/2 because i was distracted by something else.

How about Chaos League. It’s basically a real time Blood Bowl.

And that’s why I would love Total War: China. Come on Creative Assembly, what are you waiting for?

Well.....seeing as how it said Steam in the trailer...

I think Tidus’s voice as a whole, not just the laughing scene sucks.

See you next year for Act 5!

Everyone here is telling you to play Chrono Trigger but i’m gonna tell you to go play Suikoden 2 instead! DO IT NOW!

Total War.

Because you know...4th of July???