
It is currently scheduled for a worldwide release.

You had me there! I almost thought Jimmy Kimmel was the one who did this.

I’m a Christian and I LOVE this game!


If Swery and Kojima would one day collaborate, my head would explode.

It’s freaking Takashi Miike though. How bad can it get?

Wow.....I played the PC version and was the graphics always that horrible? I could’t even recognize the game.

More like this

Playing Xenoblade on Dolphin is already laggy for me.

The Sims franchise had 40? 50? + expansions and not 1 got mentioned.

More like Zelda + Ni No Kuni.

*We Did It........XD

Now playing

This might sell you on the game! It did for me!

According to Batman’s logic, he’s still alive rofl.

Am i the only one who misread that as Hardcore Pornography at first? XD

Now playing

Dayum...you bring back memories of the opening song which i consider one of the best anime opening songs ever.

Your problem is that you treat Christianity as a religion when its not. It's a relationship. Take away all the rituals, all the church services you have to go, all the "tasks" you have to do- like reading the bible/prayer, and Christianity is simply a personal relationship with God. Knowing that has made my Christian

Well guess you hate Martin Luther King Jr then.