
His fist: Magnet
Their Faces: Cobalt

And people say Blade Dancer is OP, but I run into far too many titans who can just Melee all game long and shoulder charge 1 shot you every few seconds.

I'd like to think that he sent this picture to that indie dev who said he was going to kill him.

You never fuck with a guy who smiths his own weapons.

You think this is a fucking game?

I understand what they were trying to do, but both Greenlight and "Early Access" have essentially turned Steam into the same kind of crap-filled wastelands that are the iOS and Google Play stores.

Aside from the big AAA stuff, it's almost impossible to sort through the mass of shit clogging everything up. It'd be a lot

Isn't this supposed to be a 10 year game? I wonder how much of that 10 year plan is on the disc.

Huell already knows why.

Maybe the best way to consider it is whether or not you'd be happy with whatever's actually on the disk being freely released as-is.

Makes sense. I'm not a game dev but if you've ever designed something you know it's a lot easier to add to that thing if you build your base product with expansion already in mind.

Devs just need to say this up front, it may still be complete BS, but at least it doesn't feel like "Ohh shit, they caught on, time to cover our asses"

"You're a Feeder Harry."

Am I the only one who thought harry was reaching under snapes arm?

While 99% is clearly hyperbole, I do agree that a large majority of indie games are of extremely low quality.

Agreed. There's a powerful community on Steam, but the problem is you need to make a good game to get up-votes.

99% of indie is crap.

Greenlight should just be removed.