
Back in the day, as a poor broke college kid with a thirst for beer (redundant, I know), a buddy of mine and I went to the local gas station and were literally counting out change to buy a 6 pack. The beer delivery guy was there and, while laughing, pulled a quarter out of his own pocket to put us over the top

Fun Factor vs. Jag: Vette wins

Listen to the revs, those aren't oops revs, those are hold my vodka and check this out revs.


Now playing

Crash Video Caught By Unsuspecting Reporter

Sheepish? Lazy? The fuck are you high on?

Um I don't know about you guys, but that isn't "stanced". That car is FAR from "stanced".

Maybe the lack of sound at work is making me miss it, but that looks like a near-stock ride height M3. Huh?

I know all of my drag races stop at the speed limit...

They could have, and should have just made it a manually removable roof section. It would be lighter, simpler and less costly to make.

Well this means everyone in my office including myself is considered an alcoholic. Hmmm I think not. Have minimum 5 drinks at HH, and sometimes a couple when I get home. Been doing that since undergrad, still was able to graduate from grad school, go to the gym 5 mornings per week and maintain a very successful

I think of it like..
If it's negatively affecting your life, and you can't stop. Then you have a problem.
Pretty simple

This really is no more legitimate than the bullshit you have to sit through Freshman year after you throw up in the hallway and pass out outside the RA's door.

I'm fairly sure if I were to quit drinking booze, I would probably achieve something in the ballpark of ideal body weight in about a year.

Let's take a poll. I'm 30 and employed in a pretty good job. Weekends are still meant for going out as I'm single. Friday night I'll have 10 beers, Saturday during football season I'll have 12 or so, Sunday for NFL I'll have 10. This is across the course of the entire day. During the week I'll make one Vodka

My dad drinks a case of beer a week. That's 24 drinks.

I real asshat is the dirver of the silver Opel Zafira (the minivan). Not only does he get stuck in the intersection, but he won't move an inch to let the Beemer-driver through. We don't even know what the BMW driver said. It could be anything from "would you back up a little, please?" to "I'm gonna f-word murder your