
As expected, and hiding behind “his religious beliefs”, THE COWARD Mike Pence, will not invoke the 25th Amendment:

I am so down with redlining white people in red states. I live in New York and pay very high taxes and then have the bulk of my federal taxes prop up all of the red welfare states that could not survive without blue state money. Now we have lost most of our federal SALT exemption. If the blue states could keep our

I think the best part of her crusade is, ain’t nobody would hear from this bitch, if’n the Republicans didn’t have a “Black Category”!

Candace Owens will, hopefully, disappear into irrelevance on January 20. She represents no percentage of Black people. Maybe she could sell herself and become a professional “Black friend.” As long as you don’t want the friend part.

She knows it doesn’t mean that only Black people can watch those movies and eat from those restaurants, right?

Yep. In brief, the story went something like this:

Two things .gif

I had to google several of the jokes referred to in this article to figure out what alternate meanings people were reading into them, because the article isn’t super clear about any of it. 

To be fair, a lot - a LOT - of “Simpsons” jokes are references to things.

Also, “The Simpsons” broke at a time where a lot - a LOT - of humor was increasingly based in references to things.

Can confirm the thing about no one ever playing the Name Game song with people named Chuk.

The real takeaway here is that when it comes to jokes, delivery is more important than writing. Find the right rhythm for a punchline and anything sounds funny. Or more to the point, if it SOUNDS like a joke, SOMEONE will laugh.

If this had been “white guy with camo shorts and an Under Armor hat” they’d have had to call for backup with all the handcuffs they’d need.

“Why am I being arrested?”

A few are interesting but mostly it frustrated me at how unfunny people make things by overthinking them.

Or how about just talking to the guy? How were they able to talk to him AFTER handcuffing and perp walking him from the mall? No reason they couldn’t have asked him to step to the side with them and explained why they were there. Also, how likely is it that the guy using a stolen credit card is sitting down to a meal

Defenestrateund the police.

Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni saved Star Wars.

The “heartland” does not give a fuck about any urban area in this country. They masturbate to the ideal of the destruction of cities/coastal elites. What they fail to realize, as always, is that these policies hurt them more than than any urban area. NYC, Chicago, LA all have a tax base. Fucking rural areas don’t have

My theory is the only reason he’s debasing himself instead of sitting home drinking to death is that Trump is making him dance publicly for his pardon. It’s the only thing that makes sense.