
Dear People of Color,

When people wonder, “Which latinos were dumb enough to vote for Trump?” this video should be Exhibit A.

Son, don’t you know that black folks have better things to do then even think about your ass? Your ‘enemies’ list should be a mirror. But thank you for saying the quiet part loud and costing yourself a job where you could have gone ages without being known as a racist.

Yeah the fuckery continued.

But access to private property isn’t even a right.

Yeah that comment was really on the nose.

Yep. He said one of the quiet parts out loud, didn’t he?

Peak, peak, peak little dick energy right there

It it wasn’t a fail, life isn’t all-or-nothing. The players can still strike if they don’t see meaningful progress. It’s not a one-and-done. Tangible things were accomplished... opening up stadiums as polling centers is huge.

Not really.  Considering that they’re using the games as a way for protest as well as committing to turning all stadiums into voting centers.  It’s using your power and privilege as an effective force for change and good.

This is just straight-up xenophobia. Do better.

I’m surprised this is the FIRST TIME this pedophile got his ass whupped in jail.

It is insane to lump all police together as if they are one person.


The Celtics and Raptors were already considering it. I’d be shocked if there were any games played tomorrow. I have no idea on how long it will keep going, but I love to see it. 

I am so glad you said this. Most of these flag humpers that will take the stage the next two nights had ample opportunity to serve this nation and did not. Especially those with the last name Trump. I know the trolls lurk here and make their bullshit comments and that is only because you are weak and fucking impotent.

Trumpers whole thing is trolling Dems. Stopping Woke and SJW, but not everyone who is against Trump follows that sort of thing. We’re Americans. Trump’s presidency to us is unAmerican. That’s it.

Because we love America more than they do.

Once again, Mr. Harriot,  hats off to you, Sir. Thank you. Just thank you. 

Your uncle is correct.. and a position I’ve been saying most democrats should adopt.. don’t try to get the PERFECT person (no such thing) and don’t get cheesed off every time some minor crap floats to the top this week in national “Bring ‘er down” (the news media).