hodayathink is walking in the glow of love


Thank you for correcting me (not being facetious, I honestly don't like being wrong).

2-3 million. AAA disc titles are the ones that are 20-30. And again, those numbers are from the original version of the Kickstarter page.

For everyone that keeps talking about how this is the beginning of the end of traditional publishing:

Or, maybe the profit from selling this game can go to funding Pyschonauts 2.

One of the beauties of Kickstarter is that it doesn't necessarily end when the amount is reached. The fundraising can (and probably will) keep going until March 13. I hope they make it to a million.

Here's the simple business sense. They make maybe 50 cents of each person that watches on Netflix (truthfully, they don't make anywhere close to that amount, but bear with me). They make $10-$15 on each DVD/Blu-Ray sold. So if this only convinces 5% of people (one out of every 20) to go buy the disc instead of

They'd much, much, much rather you buy the rental from iTunes or Amazon than stream on Netflix. They make a sizeable cut off of each rental, and only make pennies from you streaming it on Netflix.

I don't care what anyone says, Virtuosity is imminently rewatchable just for Denzel and Russell Crowe acting against each other.

Sale prices differ by country, and gifting is international.

He doesn't have to be. He just has to be in the Address book of someone who does.

They'll do that as soon as they stop calling the NFL game Madden.

That's what I was thinking. I'd have to imagine that the two would get merged with the next big version of Android (Jellybean?), but then again Android and ChromeOS are still two completely separate things, too.


Angel of Mine is a Monica song. Almost Doesn't Count is a Brandy song.

They do have an opt-out. Most people just don't care enough to actually do it.

It's' just an umbrella branding thing, for when they start putting the movie and music (and possibly game) stuff on Bravias and Xperias.

MPDGs existed well before Garden State. Notice that the actual facility was named after Annie Hall.

I'd argue it's 50/50 at this point. The problem is that while he has definitely done some good things, Republicans are thoroughly pissed at him, and the progressive base that came out to vote for him in droves aren't really all that happy with him either. He's gotta find a way to reach back out to them after 4 years

This isn't Facebook's fault. It's your dumb friend's fault for "friending" so many people that they don't know.