Ric Flair's Alligator Shoes

How is a street hockey ball not anywhere on the list?

And for all you young hockey wanna be all stars out there, let this be a lesson to you:

As a goalie myself, I wish every fucking fan in the world could face one 80 mph slapshot just to see how IMPOSSIBLE it is for a goalie to react to it at that speed. So frustrating when ignoramus's go "Oh he coulda stopped that...."

I want to hug you so much. I thought I was the only insane person on Earth who does this. It is probably my biggest "single person weird behaviour" thing I do...

I've never been to a volcano, Bill. Please describe it to me in vivid, mescaline laced detail...

I've been on Jeopardy, and I did do better than she did.

An absolute must have if you like bubbles... Osmos HD

A bit off topic but I have to ask - how do people who do this make a living? Did someone pay this guy to do this? I don't get it. Unless you are well off and paying out of pocket, who has the money and 4 months of time to do this?

I'm special ordering some knock off cheap Chinese replica jerseys so that I can burn at least two a week in effigy...

I have such irrational hatred for Peter King. Never met him, he's never done a thing to me or my family, yet I hate his guts.

In my mid 20s I played a year of semi pro football in New England. One day after practice I joined a bunch of guys from the team who stayed to shoot around. A game quickly formed...

Any video that can end on some Bellamy Brothers is gold in my book...

The Cigar Factory in New Orleans is a must visit for anyone interested in this sort of thing. These guys are phenominal and the cigars there are soooooo good:

I say this sarcastically but also with great seriousness - if you want to be a better parent, listening to Jezebel commentariot is not the first place one should solicit advice.

This show is gold, Jerry. GOLD!!!

Me too. I am furiously googling right now to figure out if there are sex clubs near me. Not because I want to go, but because of the train wreck effect....

English translation "DIE YOU PLAYDOH SCUM!!!!"