
Well this is all together embarrassing. I feel terrible, no wonder all my friends left me

I liked the guy that was basically posting a screenplay bit by bit. That ridiculous thread will probably end up being one of my fondest memories of the old site.

The number of comments on articles on the site has seemed to drop somewhat drastically since the switch, hasn’t it? Thee are only 6 comments right now for this article that came out hours ago - with 3 pending. That seems ominous.

Pretty sure he’ll just drop a bunch of calls.

Tuff or Toffee?

If I didn’t listen when my dog told me I had paranoid schizophrenia, I’m not going to listen to Google telling me I’m depressed. Neither one of them is a doctor.

When I wished for a world where there was no black or white, just gray, this is not what I meant. Stupid monkey’s paw

He is the Kinja of people.

20 years? Me still think of them as new-ish band. Me getting old!

The biggest villain of all?

First we get movies focusing on Spider-man villains, then we get movies focusing on Batman villains, and now we get them focusing on Queens of the Stone Age villains. What’s next, a movie about villains of people we vaguely knew in high school?

as the movie Airplane! taught me, as long as there is coffee, everything else will work out!

I’m spending so little time at the AVClub that I’m actually accomplishing work. I’m afraid.

Somehow, Arsenal will end up playing either Bayern or Barca in the R16. Just trust me on that one.

I think you’re approving their comments by replying to them.

Curiously, they are having this screening in Austin when all the clowns are actually in DC.

Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

Double the page clicks! Twice as many comments that I can’t navigate or read! Because you have to place it multiple places because finding where posts are (without a useable front page) is almost reaching the point of “too much effort” to even bother trying to comment and read anymore. If I’m on the AV Club site, can